Yellow World presents:

The Magic Highlighter is on Product Hunt

The Magic Highlighter is on Product Hunt. Help us win the day with your upvotes!

Hello, friends! If you’re a fan of The Magic Higlighter we’d love to ask a favor: help us make our first full day in the App Store a success by upvoting The Magic Highlighter on Product Hunt.

After less than one full day on the App Store, The Magic Highlighter has reached #3 in the paid productivity app category and #26 for all paid apps on iPhone1, and the #8 paid app overall on Mac. What an incredible start! ⚡️

Number 3!! 🤯 Number 3!! 🤯
Number 3!! 🤯

The most impressive thing about this is that we only meant for yesterday to be a soft launch. A little after 11:00 AM Pacific Time I posted a single toot 2 to my personal Mastodon account 3, and things just sort of took off from there! I knew I would love the Apple Developer community, but this exceeded my expectations by a long shot!

It’s been a lot of fun to start getting feedback from real users, including a number of feature requests and a few bug reports. We appreciate your patience while we work on prioritizing the feedback. We are already hard at work on a few improvements to The Magic Highlighter, so there should be updates coming soon!

In the interim, we’re excited to officially launch The Magic Highlighter on Product Hunt. Your upvotes and/or ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ reviews would be a HUGE help!

Thank you for your ongoing support of The Magic Highlighter! 🚀📈

  1. For iPhone apps in the US App Store↩︎

  2. Mastodon is a social network that has been around for several years, but has recently grown in popularity as an alternative to Twitter. A “toot” is the Mastodon equivalent of a Twitter “tweet”. Technically they’re not called “toots” anymore, but it’s an endearing verb for the platform and I suspect the name will live on in internet history! ↩︎

  3. I only had about 120 followers on Mastodon as of yesterday morning. That’s an incredible amount of reach for such a humble follower count, which says a lot about the Mastodon platform and the growing community there. ↩︎

Get The Magic Highlighter TODAY

The Magic Highlighter is available on the App Store for iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Find what you’ve been searching for. ⚡️