TL;DR — The Magic Highlighter is a brand new Safari Extension for iPhone, iPad, and Mac that automatically highlights search terms and phrases on search result web pages. To download The Magic Highlighter, click here or search for “The Magic Highlighter” in the App Store.
Raise your hand if you’ve ever searched for something online, scrolled past the ads, clicked a link that appears to have the answer to your question (perhaps based on the search result preview snippet), and then spent too much time looking for the actual content you need. 🙋🏽♂️🙋🏻♀️🙋🏼 If the information you’re looking for is even there, it is most likely about halfway down the page. If you’re like us, you might have developed a habit of smashing the ⌘-F keyboard shortcut1 and repeating some or all of the exact same search terms you already submitted to the search engine (e.g. Google, DuckDuckGo, or Bing). Remind us… what is that often repeated (to the point of being cliché) definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?
The Magic Highlighter automatically highlights your,, and search terms and phrases on search result web pages.
The Magic Highlighter is our bid to put an end to this insanity frustration.
The Magic Highlighter is a brand new Safari Extension that automatically highlights your,, and search terms and phrases on search result web pages — saving you time, and helping you find what you’ve been searching for.
The Magic Highlighter is available to download for iPhone, iPad, and Mac.
It’s easy to use thanks to direct integration with Safari — just install the app, enable the extension, and use Safari like you normally would.
Here’s what it looks like in action:
 and [Safari Reader](](screenshot-1.png)
 and [Safari Reader](](screenshot-2.png)
 and [Safari Reader](](screenshot-3.png)
 and [Safari Reader](](screenshot-5.png)
For more advanced users on Mac and iPad2, try the ⌘-Shift-F keyboard shortcut to change highlight colors, disable magic highlight terms or phrases, and more.

The Magic Highlighter is available now as a Universal Purchase3 for iPhone, iPad, and Mac for just $1.99. We hope you’ll give it a try, and that it helps you find what you’ve been searching for.
Oh, and there’s one more thing. If you enjoy The Magic Highlighter enough to share it with your friends, we’ll even send you a cool sticker!
If you don’t know, now you know: Keyboard shortcuts in Safari on Mac, and Learn iPad keyboard shortcuts (TL;DR — press and hold the ⌘ key, and thank us later). ↩︎
Keyboard shortcuts are available for iPad users with an external keyboard. ↩︎
No need to purchase separate apps for iOS and macOS – we give you both for the price of one! ↩︎
Command-F for the win! ↩︎